Wednesday 12 February 2014

Evaluation of Animation project

For this project we were required to design and construct a 2d and a 3d animation. in terms of the 3d animation i accomplished this task well creating exactly the animation i wanted for it. however for the 2D animation i had allot of trouble as im not the best at art and 2d has a very strong aspect of drawing so i didn't develop a good enough animation to meet the task.

For my 3d animation i developed an animation around two sibling who are fighting as one has stolen the 'item' which for this i have chosen an Xbox as the item. i chose this as it has been a common occurrence in my home for argument to sprout from a console being moved or games borrowed without permission so i thought of it as a good idea to make an animation around experiences of my own.

After presenting my animation some of the feedback was good and some bad as with most kinds of feedback. some said that the movement in terms of arms was fluent and smooth. furthermore the lip sync was 'spot on' and the scenery made it appear like a realistic environment.

In terms of movement i think that i could have made more use of the space that the rig had so i could have had him walk to the object in question and point directly at it and also i could have had the other staying as far away from the other as to simulate scared actions. in addition to this i think that the lip syncing could have been a bit more dramatic like the mouth gets wider when the sound levels increase. finally in terms of scenery i had developed some assets to represent scenery but i used the wrong camera angles to portray it. mostly skipping the assets made completely. making it hard to imagine what the two siblings are fighting over.

if i was to redo this i would defiantly make it more dramatic and over the top and i would add a huge variety of camera shot to help elaborate on the scenery and what was essentially going on as it wasn't quite as clear as i had initially hoped.

for the 2d animation i didn't get past the planning stage as it took far too long for me to get going really on the Photoshop side of things as my skill isn't very good in terms of art so i know now that definitely i will need to manage my time in the future on different projects with care just to make sure that i have the time i need to complete the task given to me.

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